Strumenti di manodopera: Minecraft

Nell’articolo qui presente parleremo di tutti quegli attrezzi utili per la formazione tecnica di una mappa. Parleremo in particolare di effect id (Status effect), enchant id (Enchantment), mob & entities id, object id.

Status Effect

Gli effetti di status sono varie condizioni, che possono essere utili o dannose, che colpiscono un’entità

Essi possono essere aggiunte al personaggio semplicemente digitando in barra dei comandi

/effect give @p minecraft:nome_effetto livello(0-255) durata(999999 permanente)

(Per togliere /effect clear @p minecraft:nome_effetto)

Effetto nome id
 Speed speed 1
 Slowness slowness 2
 Haste haste 3
 Mining Fatigue mining_fatigue 4
 Strength strength 5
 Instant Health instant_health 6
 Instant Damage instant_damage 7
 Jump Boost jump_boost 8
 Nausea nausea 9
 Regeneration regeneration 10
 Resistance resistance 11
 Fire Resistance fire_resistance 12
 Water Breathing water_breathing 13
 Invisibility invisibility 14
 Blindness blindness 15
 Night Vision night_vision 16
 Hunger hunger 17
 Weakness weakness 18
 Poison poison 19
 Wither wither 20
 Health Boost health_boost 21
 Absorption absorption 22
 Saturation saturation 23
 Glowing glowing 24
 Levitation levitation 25
 Luck luck 26
 Bad Luck unluck 27
 Slow Falling slow_falling 28
 Conduit Power conduit_power 29
 Dolphin’s Grace dolphins_grace 30
 Bad Omen‌ bad_omen 31


Gli Enchantment sono effetti aggiungibili in armi, armature o oggetti.

Essi possono essere aggiunti all’oggetto semplicemente digitando nella barra dei comandi

/give @p minecraft:nome_oggetto{Enchantments:[{id:”minecraft:nome_effetto“,lvl:livello}]}

Utili per la creazione automatica:

Incantamento Nome ID
Aqua Affinity aqua_affinity 6
Bane of Arthropods bane_of_arthropods 18
Blast Protection blast_protection 3
Curse of Binding binding_curse 10
Curse of Vanishing vanishing_curse 71
Depth Strider depth_strider 8
Efficiency efficiency 32
Feather Falling feather_falling 2
Fire Aspect fire_aspect 20
Fire Protection fire_protection 1
Flame flame 50
Fortune fortune 35
Frost Walker frost_walker 9
Infinity infinity 51
Knockback knockback 19
Looting looting 21
Luck of the Sea luck_of_the_sea 61
Lure lure 62
Mending mending 70
Power power 48
Projectile Protection projectile_protection 4
Protection protection 0
Punch punch 49
Respiration respiration 5
Sharpness sharpness 16
Silk Touch silk_touch 33
Smite smite 17
Sweeping Edge sweeping_edge 22
Thorns thorns 7
Unbreaking unbreaking 34

Mob & Entities

Le entità sono ben diverse dai comuni oggetti

Il comando più classico è il seguente: /summon minecraft:nome_entità , ma esistono moltissime variabili in più, disponibili sul seguenti sito:

area effect cloud Area effect cloud
armor stand Armor stand


arrow Arrow
bat Bat


blaze Blaze
boat Boat
cave spider Cave spider
minecart with chest Minecart with Chest
chicken Chicken
cod Cod
minecart with command block Minecart with Command Block
cow Cow
creeper Creeper
donkey Donkey
ender dragon Dragon fireball
drowned Drowned
egg Egg
elder guardian Elder Guardian
ender crystal End crystal
ender dragon Ender dragon
ender pearl Ender pearl
enderman Enderman
endermite Endermite
evoker Evoker
evocation fangs Evoker fangs
thrown experience bottle Thrown experience bottle
experience Experience orb
falling sand Falling block
fireball Fireball
firework rocket Firework rocket
minecart with furnace Minecart with Furnace
ghast Ghast
giant Giant zombie
guardian Guardian
minecart with hopper Minecart with Hopper
horse Horse
husk Husk
illusioner Illusioner
iron golem Iron Golem
item Item
item frame Item frame
lead Lead
lightning bolt Lightning bolt
llama Llama
llama Llama spit
magma cube Magma cube
minecart rideable Minecart
mooshroom Mooshroom
mule Mule
ocelot Ocelot
painting Painting
parrot Parrot
phantom Phantom
pig Pig
polar bear Polar Bear
thrown potion Thrown potion
pufferfish Pufferfish
rabbit Rabbit
salmon Salmon
sheep Sheep
shulker Shulker
shulker bullet Shulker bullet
silverfish Silverfish
skeleton Skeleton
skeleton horse Skeleton horse
slime Slime
small fireball Small fireball
snow man Snow man or snow golem
snowball Snowball
minecart with spawner Minecart with spawner
spectral arrow Spectral arrow
spider Spider
squid Squid
stray Stray
primed tnt TNT
arrow Minecart with TNT
trident Trident
tropical fish Tropical Fish
turtle Turtle
vex Vex
villager Villager
vindicator Vindicator
witch Witch
wither boss Wither boss
wither skeleton Wither skeleton
wither skull Wither skeleton skull
wolf Wolf
zombie Zombie
zombie horse Zombie horse
zombie pigman Zombie Pigman
zombie villager Zombie Villager

Object id

Rimane da parlare solo degli oggetti, disponibili al seguente sito:

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